Hindi Sahitya : Yoog Aur Pravruttinya by
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Material type: Text
Publication details: Delhi Ashok Grover and Sons
Availability: Not available: Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Shivajinagar, Pune-5: Checked out (1).
Yatharthavad by
Edition: -
Material type: Text
Publication details: Delhi Macmillan Press Ltd.
Availability: Items available for loan: Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Shivajinagar, Pune-5 (1)Location, call number: 891.43/MIS/0/27620 .
English Prose Selections by
Edition: -
Material type: Text
Publication details: - -
Availability: Not available: Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Shivajinagar, Pune-5: Lost (1). Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Shivajinagar, Pune-5: Withdrawn (1).
Hindi Sahitya Yug Aur Prawruttiyan by
Edition: -
Material type: Text
Publication details: Jodhpur Minarva Publication
Availability: Items available for loan: Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Shivajinagar, Pune-5 (2)Location, call number: 891.4309/SHA, .. .