Sthul Arthashastra Bhag-1 sem.IV by
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Vyavasaik Arthshastra Sem.i by
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Publication details: Pune Contenental Prakashan
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Bharatacha Aarthik Itihas (1750-1947) Bhag 1 Sem.I by
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Sukshma Arthashastra by
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Sthul Arthashastra Bhag 2 Sem.V by
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Bharatacha Arthik Itihas by
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Vyavasayik Arthashastra Bhag.II by
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Vyavasaik Arthshastra sem.IV by
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Paschyatya Rajkiya Vicharwant by
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Arthavyavastha Sem.VI by
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Bank Vyavasayachi Multatve Ani Bharatatil Banka by
Edition: 2nd
Material type: Text
Publication details: Pune Continental Prakashan
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Bank Vyavaharachi Muktatve Ani Bharatatil Banka by
Edition: 2nd
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Publication details: Pune Continental Prakashan
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Bhartiya Arthavyavastha Rachana Ani Samasya by
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Saukshmik Arthshashtra by
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Bharatacha Aarthik Itihas Bhag 2 by
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Publication details: Pune Continental Prakashan
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Bharatachi Arthavyavastha Bhag 2 by
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Publication details: Pune Contenental Prakashan
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Sarvajanik Aayavyay Sem.VI by
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Bank Vyavaharachi Multatve Ani Bharatatil Banka by
Edition: 2nd
Material type: Text
Publication details: Pune Continental Prakashan
Availability: Not available: Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Shivajinagar, Pune-5: Withdrawn (1).
Bank Vyavasayachi Multatve Ani Bhartiya Banka by
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Material type: Text
Publication details: Pune Continental Prakashan
Availability: Not available: Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Shivajinagar, Pune-5: Withdrawn (1).