Manav Sansadhan Vikas Aani Manavadhikar by
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Hasat Khelat M. Phil. Kara by
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Publication details: Pune Universal Prakashan
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Strategy To Develop World Class University by
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Publication details: Mumbai Shroff Publishers & Distributers PVT LTD
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Parissparsha by
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Publication details: Aurangabad Shabda Prakashan
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Maharashtra Vidyapeeth Kayada, 1994 by
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Publication details: Kolhapur Atul Publications
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Maze Mee Pan by
Edition: 1st
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Publication details: Pune Unmesh Prakashan
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Dhadpad Pradhyapaki by
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Zunj Wadalashi by
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Publication details: Pune Jyoti Prakashan
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Maharashtra Vidyapeeth Kayada, 2016 by
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Publication details: Kolhapur Atul Publications
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Maharashtra Public Universities Act 2016 by
Edition: 1st
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Publication details: Kolhapur Atul Publications
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MPSC : Manav Sansadhan Vikas Aani Manavadhikar by
Edition: 1st
Material type: Text
Publication details: Delhi Pearson
Availability: Items available for loan: Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Shivajinagar, Pune-5 (1)Location, call number: 370.113/WAG/G/5238 .
Jivanvedh by
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Material type: Text
Publication details: Pune Lilawati
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Education, Migration and Human Dvelopment: Kerala Experience by
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Material type: Text
Publication details: Jaipur Rawat Publications
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Modern Principles Of Athletic Training by
Edition: 5th
Material type: Text
Publication details: Toronto Mosby
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Encyclopaedia of Physical Education by
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